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What protection does MOS have

The IC on the protection board is a device used to detect battery voltage and current, while the MOS is a switching element. By combining the protection IC with the MOSFET, the following four protection functions can be achieved:

1. Overcharge protection: When the voltage of the battery exceeds the set value, the MOSFET tube is cut off by the protection IC; When the cell voltage returns to the allowable range, the MOSFET tube is restored.

2. Over-discharge protection: When the voltage of the battery cell is reduced to exceed the set value, the MOSFET tube is cut off by the protection IC; When the cell voltage returns to the allowable range, the MOSFET tube is restored.

3. Overcurrent protection: When the working current exceeds the set value, the MOSFET tube is cut off by the protection IC; When the operating current returns to the allowable range, the MOSFET tube is restored.

4. Short circuit protection: It is actually a case of extending the overcurrent protection function. When the protection IC detects that there is no specified value between the positive and negative battery output terminals, it considers that a short circuit has occurred at this time, and immediately cut off the circuit; Restore the circuit after the short circuit fault is removed. In the short-circuit state, there is no voltage between the positive and negative output terminals of the battery, while the voltage of the actual cell is still normal.

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